If you are experiencing problems trying to view the Reality Racing visuals, select one of the following trouble-shooting paths and we may be able to offer you a step-by-step solution.
A message box popped up saying "your current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls on this page"
Some of the graphics on the page are showing, but there are areas of the window that just contain white boxes, and I can't get any further.
I clicked on the 'Race Visuals' link on the Reality Racing homepage, but I just get a message saying "unable to process your request."
I enter the race I wish to view, and is starts to load - but doesn't complete. I'm left with "Loading Data..." on the screen but nothing else.
I enter a race number to view and click View Race, but the race I see is the race that I had previous viewed.
I've heard that you have made some changes to the Race Visuals - but I think I'm still seeing the old version.
If the problem you are experiencing isn't shown above, please fill out the technical support form giving as much detail of the problem as possible.

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